How to install Jenkiins on Amazon EC2.
1 min readNov 1, 2024
Here are the exact steps to install Jenkins on AWS EC2:
1 → Launch EC2 Instance:
- Log into AWS console and search for EC2 service
- Click “Launch Instance”
- Name your instance (e.g., “Jenkins-demo”)
- Select Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- Choose t2.micro (free tier eligible)
- Select or create a key pair
- Allow HTTPS and HTTP traffic in network settings
2 → Connect to EC2:
- Click “Connect” on the EC2 instance
- Use AWS console terminal to connect
Install Java:
- Update Ubuntu:
sudo apt update
- Install OpenJDK:
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
(or version 11)
3 → Install Jenkins:
- Visit
- Add Jenkins repository key and repository
- Execute installation commands from the Jenkins website
Start Jenkins Service:
- Start Jenkins:
sudo systemctl start jenkins
- Enable Jenkins:
sudo systemctl enable jenkins
- Check status:
sudo systemctl status jenkins
4 → Configure Security Group:
- Go to EC2 security groups
- Edit inbound rules
- Add new rule: Custom TCP, Port 8080
- Save rules
5 → Complete Jenkins Setup:
- Access Jenkins using EC2 public IP:
- Get initial admin password:
sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
- Install suggested plugins
- Create admin user with username and password
- Complete setup and access Jenkins dashboard